Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-27 12:19:46 At The Conference sub sarah,YOU ARE THE IDIOT who knocks out the other people!Have you ever thought that MOST PEOPLE who are on an erotic story site are here ONLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET AROUSED READING SOME FANTASIES and WOULD NEVER TRANSFORM SUCH FANTASIES INTO REALITY because that's what they are meant to be:FANTASIES!But you didn't think at this because you LITTLE PATHETIC BRAIN is too stupid to think at such things!So,STOP OFFENDING people by saying that they "to spout their pomposity and try to wind people up" since THAT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE!NOT EVERYBODY should have the same opinion as you,you IDIOT!
neddamz,YOU MUST BE CLARLY INSANE if you think that we "should celebrate what God has given us to share with each other"!GOD DOESN'T GIVE THAT TO US "to share"!YOU DON'T SHARE YOUR WIFE(or your husband) like you share food or cloths!THIS IS NOT SHARING,for God's sake,THIS IS IMMORALITY!Most DON'T "shy away from telling it like it is"!THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE tell it just like it is:PROMISCUITY!
2018-07-27 12:20:43 At The Conference sub sarah,YOU ARE THE IDIOT who knocks out the other people!Have you ever thought that MOST PEOPLE who are on an erotic story site are here ONLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET AROUSED READING SOME FANTASIES and WOULD NEVER TRANSFORM SUCH FANTASIES INTO REALITY because that's what they are meant to be:FANTASIES!But you didn't think at this because you LITTLE PATHETIC BRAIN is too stupid to think at such things!So,STOP OFFENDING people by saying that they "to spout their pomposity and try to wind people up" since THAT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE!NOT EVERYBODY should have the same opinion as you,you IDIOT!
neddamz,YOU MUST BE CLARLY INSANE if you think that we "should celebrate what God has given us to share with each other"!GOD DOESN'T GIVE THAT TO US "to share"!YOU DON'T SHARE YOUR WIFE(or your husband) like you share food or cloths!THIS IS NOT SHARING,for God's sake,THIS IS IMMORALITY!Most DON'T "shy away from telling it like it is"!THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE tell it just like it is:PROMISCUITY!
2018-07-27 12:36:14 At The Conference part 2 To the IDIOT anonymous that talked about "religious assholes":THE ONLY ASSHOLES ARE YOU AND THOSE LIKE YOU,who scorn other people just because those people HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION than them!And ho the hell did you know who has the dick in hand,YOU MORON?!Or do you really think that everybody is like you,YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT?!And even if it is like this,what's your fucking problem if they "preach morality"?!IT IS A NORMAL THING,when someone presents a story like a "true story"(though,IN MOST CASES IT'S NOT TRUE!) in order to put the thing on the right track,where THEY SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN in REAL LIFE!So,STOP VISITING these sites,YOU FUCKER,and crawl back to your SHIT HOLE,instead of offending NORMAL PEOPLE!
And for the author of this story:NO,the truth IS SO VERY EASY to believe:THIS IS JUST A FANTASY OF YOURS and NOT A TRUE STORY!So,who cares about what you say,EVERYBODY with a little common sense,KNOWS THE TRUTH!
2018-07-28 01:47:02 Till Funeral Do Us Part To those who offend other people just because they don't like their opinion:PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HOW THEY WANT TO BE,including DISGUSTED!Surely,YOU DON'T REALLY EXPECT that such a story to be liked by everyone who reads it!So,before scorning other persons,use TOUT PATHETIC LITTLE BRAIN and STOP DOING THAT!Dumbasses!
2018-07-28 01:55:35 The Last Conference "Cold blooded killers who murder women for their sole sexual pleasure" IS NEVER "damn great",you MORON!What the hell is wrong with you?!On the contrary,IT'S HORRENDOUS AND VILE!But,unfortunately,IT'S NOT A RARE THING,as there are plenty of killers who do that!