Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2018-08-02 03:35:01 FemDom Training Club Indeed,SIMPLY CRAP!IT'S OBVIOUS FOR EVERYONE that THIS IS JUST PURE FICTION,not a true story!
2018-08-02 11:18:16 Gina. To the last Anonymous reader:YOU SHOULD STOP COMMENTING,YOU DICKHEAD!This IS A WORK,even it's not professional!Every creation IT'S A WORK,if you don't know that yet,you MORON!To read something for fun CERTAINLY DOES NOT EXCLUDE reading something written CORRECTLY AND PLAUSIBLE!Otherwise,WHERE IS THE FUN in reading a story full of errors and bullshit?!YOU GO AND GET A LIFE and STOP BOTHERING US with your NONSENSES!
2018-09-28 02:20:26 Confessions of a Serial Killer (repost) You are really A FUCKING SICK PERVERT!That's THE TRUTH and trying to drag those who read you in your SHIT,simply WILL NOT WORK!So,STOP telling such PATHETIC and IDIOTICAL theories and SPARE US OUR TIME!
2018-09-28 02:20:41 Confessions of a Serial Killer (repost) You are really A FUCKING SICK PERVERT!That's THE TRUTH and trying to drag those who read you in your SHIT,simply WILL NOT WORK!So,STOP telling such PATHETIC and IDIOTICAL theories and SPARE US OUR TIME!
2018-09-28 02:20:49 Confessions of a Serial Killer (repost) You are really A FUCKING SICK PERVERT!That's THE TRUTH and trying to drag those who read you in your SHIT,simply WILL NOT WORK!So,STOP telling such PATHETIC and IDIOTICAL theories and SPARE US OUR TIME!