Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-28 02:14:34 Emergency Room Doctor To the Anonymous reader that asked why someone would read this story,though not liking it:YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIKE EVERYTHING YOU READ,YOU MORON!Some people read this JUST FOR CURIOSITY or because they are interested in other details,but THAT DOESN'Y MEAN AT ALL that they have to like this kind of story!And saying that this could be a way "to make them feel less guilty for actually liking it" IT'S EVEN DUMBER,as SOMEONE CAN'T FEEL GUILTY for being aroused (not "liking" because IT'S A BIG DIFFERENCE!) by a fantasy,which IS AND REMAINS A FANTASY!And YOU ARE TOTALLY INSANE if you can say that "this is a way for someone to express how they feel without actually doing it"!For God's sake,if things would be like that,then the person who wrote this would be A FUCKING DISTURBED FREAK!No,this story IS NO SUCH "WAY",but only a fantasy meant to arouse those who read it!So,YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF with all those BULLSHIT,you IDIOT!
2018-07-28 03:14:47 Her Last Breath To the last Anonymous reader:to be honest,nobody gives a shit WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ANYTHING!And,for your own fucking information,NOBODY LIKES EVERYTHING HE/SHE READS!NOBODY!So,YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP,STOP TELLING ALL THESE FUCKING NONSENSES and RUN ALONG BACK TO YOUR MOMMY AND FUCK HER GOOD,you IDIOT!
2018-08-02 02:26:30 A Friend for dessert IT'S NOT TRUE that words like "eating cunt" are "normally only used by men"!Get real!In what world do you live?!Those worfd bARE VERY MUCH USED BY WOMEN,too!
2018-08-02 03:24:00 The Dog Licked Us! That guy IS SIMPLY A PERVERT,not an "open minded" guy!And being licked by a dog IT'S DISGUSTING,not "the best feeling ever"!YOU SHOULD BE REALLY TWISTED,if you can say something like that!
2018-08-02 03:24:51 The Dog Licked Us! That guy IS SIMPLY A PERVERT,not an "open minded" guy!And being licked by a dog IT'S DISGUSTING,not "the best feeling ever"!YOU SHOULD BE REALLY TWISTED,if you can say something like that!