Comments from borota
Date | Story title | Comment |
2018-07-26 04:26:04 | IHNC 7 Judy Gets Tough | I TOTALLY AGREE with the last comment!THERE IS NO NEED FOR CONDOMS!And,even if those girls weren't virgin and they would have had sex with other boys,why would he "spread STDS all around",since HE IS SEXUALLY CLEAN!That Anonymous reader that is so obsessed with condom,should GET LOST!This is REAL AUTHENTICITY,having sex without permanently being OBSESSED by condoms and "unsafe" sex!There are other things that SHOW VERY CLEARLY that this story IS NOT REAL,but not the condoms' thing!So,THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED to include condoms to show authenticity! |
2018-07-26 05:45:52 | My husband doesn't know_(0) | Quote:"good on you for trying sex out of marriage, sex out of a marriage keeps the marriage together and in perspective. variety is the spice of life so go for it and get the guy to fuck you again". YOU MUST BE TOTALLY OUT OF YOUR MIND,if you can write that PIECE OF SHIT!NO,IT'S NOT GOOD AT ALL for you to try sex out of marriage because sex out of marriage NEVER "keeps the marriage together and in perspective"!On the contrary,EVERYBODY KNOWS PERFECTLY WELL that sex out of marriage DESTROYS THAT MARRIAGE and IT ENDS ANY PERSPECTIVE of it!What kind of INSANE person can write something like that?!It's as if your are saying that you can extinguish a fire by pouring gasoline over it!And the variety IT'S NOT THE SPICE OF LIFE when we talk about adulterous sex!That so-called "variety" has just one name:PROMISCUITY and IT WILL DO YOU NO GOOD! |
2018-07-26 05:58:02 | sebastian | roxan brown:you tell ONLY BULLSHIT!Cervix CAN'T BE PENETRATED UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES,period!Such a thing NVER HAPPENS!And STOP TELLING LIES that you know girls that "use Misoprostal to dilate the cervix to aid penertation by there doggy lovers"and take us for your fools with THOSE IDIOCIES!First of all,YOU DON'T KNOW ANY GIRL that has sex with a dog and then,with Misoprostal or without it THE CERVIX SIMPLY CAN'T BE DILATED to be penetrated by a canine penis!It's sad to see how some people can write such CRAP,though it's totally against any common sense! |
2018-07-26 06:00:25 | sebastian | roxan brown:you tell ONLY BULLSHIT!Cervix CAN'T BE PENETRATED UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES,period!Such a thing NVER HAPPENS!And STOP TELLING LIES that you know girls that "use Misoprostal to dilate the cervix to aid penertation by there doggy lovers"and take us for your fools with THOSE IDIOCIES!First of all,YOU DON'T KNOW ANY GIRL that has sex with a dog and then,with Misoprostal or without it THE CERVIX SIMPLY CAN'T BE DILATED to be penetrated by a canine penis!It's sad to see how some people can write such CRAP,though it's totally against any common sense! |
2018-07-26 06:25:23 | My husband doesn't know_(1) | NO,there CAN'T BE "to each there own",like someone commented because the immoral behaviours MUST BE CONDEMNED FOR THE SAKE OF OURSELVES and of the society!And WE ARE PEOPLE ENDOWED WITH RATIONAL JUDGMENT,so WE ARE ENTITLED TO JUDGE!And if there are people who enjoy this "fucked up(I totally agree with that term!) lifestyle",that DOESN'T MEAN AT ALL that it shouldn't be condemned! |