2018-12-23 16:01:12 |
The Road to Kinky
@roxan brown,you tell ONLY CRAP!IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "most men like to watch" their wife or girlfriend fucked by an animal!And EVERY MAN,IF IT'S HONEST AND SANE OF MIND,will tell you that!So,STOP SAYING SUCH IDIOCIES! |
2018-12-23 16:01:59 |
Swinging Wifes First Gang Bang
What a HUGE BULLSHIT!ABSOLUTELY NO COCK(human or non-human,as the IDIOT who comments above pretends) CAN PENETRATE A WOMAN'S CERVIX!Learn at least SOME LITTLE HUMAN ANATOMY before writing UTTERLY NONSENSE!And to claim that this IS a "true story",it's TOTALLY RIDICULOUS!it's NOTHING MORE THAN A NONSENSICAL FANTASY! |
2018-12-23 16:18:56 |
Gina and her horsies..._(1)
WHAT AN IDIOTICAL STORY!First of all,ABSOLUTELY NO ANIMAL COCK(and that INCLUDES a dog's cock,NO MATTER what the IDIOT @roxan brown can tell!) CAN PENETRATE A WOMAN'S CERVIX!If a cock so HUGE as the one of the horse from the story would ever penetrate a woman's cervix,IT WILL SIMPLY KILL HER!And,actually,HORSES DO LAST LONG IN REAL LIFE and the head flares QUITE A LOT OF TIME before they come!DON'T LISTEN the MORONS who pretend that they know such things because THEY KNOW NOTHING! |
2018-12-23 16:29:54 |
Screwing the Pooch
@roxan brown,STOP ANNOYING US with your IDIOTICAL FANTASIES!Or do you really think that someone ever believes your FUCKING LIES!THERE AREN'T AT ALL "so many women who seem to be trying canine sex and loving it"!On the contrary,THERE ISN'T ANY WOMAN SANE OF MIND who tries and loves canine sex which IS NOTHING BUT AN ABERRATION AGAINST THE NATURE!And all your babbling about "twins who try and buy a stud dog" IS JUST BULLSHIT which even YOU DON'T BELIEVE!Go and SHOOT YOURSELF,you IDIOT! |
2018-12-24 03:53:38 |
The Cuckold adventure
IT'S NOT TRUE that "it's much sexier when women wear stockings during sex"!That can happen FOR SOME WOMEN,but CERTAINLY NOT IN GENERAL! |