Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2018-09-28 02:50:04 Dog & Wife To the IDIOT "anonymous reader" who said "if you think you can do better sit down and write your ass off and leave yourmomfuxdogs alone":YOU LEAVE US ALONE,you STUPID FUCKER!Nobody forces an author to publish a story here or on the other sites!So,IT'S ABSOLUTELY STUPID and USELESS to be angered upon the readers!It's THE AUTHOR'S JOB to do things better,not that of the readers!And IT'S OBVIOUS that this story IT'S NOT TRUE,as THERE AREN'T TRUE THE HUGE MAJORITY OF THE STORIES which pretend to be "true stories"!Get real,you MORON!
2018-12-23 15:20:53 Robin The Nanny Spending many years in girl's schools and loosing the virginity at twenty-eight DOESN'T MEAN AT ALL that a girl has been "with women"!THAT'S A NONSENSE!
2018-12-23 15:30:22 Swinging Wifes First Gang Bang What a HUGE BULLSHIT!ABSOLUTELY NO COCK(human or non-human,as the IDIOT who comments above pretends) CAN PENETRATE A WOMAN'S CERVIX!Learn at least SOME LITTLE HUMAN ANATOMY before writing UTTERLY NONSENSE!And to claim that this IS a "true story",it's TOTALLY RIDICULOUS!it's NOTHING MORE THAN A NONSENSICAL FANTASY!
2018-12-23 15:36:57 Moms got cum all over her Actually,teenage boys CAN HAVE 8 AND 9 INCH COCKS!It's not a thing that can apply many of them,but THERE ARE DEFINITELY SOME TEENAGERS with cocks of that size!
2018-12-23 16:00:42 The Road to Kinky @roxan brown,you tell ONLY CRAP!IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "most men like to watch" their wife or girlfriend fucked by an animal!And EVERY MAN,IF IT'S HONEST AND SANE OF MIND,will tell you that!So,STOP SAYING SUCH IDIOCIES!