2018-05-27 00:27:20 |
Watching Her
IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "husbands often want to see their wife enjoying sex with another man" or that "a lot of men felt that way"!THESE ARE JUST BULLSHIT!NO HUSBAND OR MAN SANE OF MIND would want to see his wife or woman having sex with another man!STOP WRITING SUCH NONSENSES,you pathetic CUCK!MEN ARE NOT PERVERTS LIKE YOU! |
2018-07-23 01:35:48 |
The Investigation - Caroline Ann
You tell only BULLSHIT!That girl COULDN'T HAVE BEEN "fucked to death"!Someone COULDN'T DIE just from one fucking,no matter how violent it is!When you write something,TRY TO BE A LITTLE PLAUSIBLE and not to tell NONSENSES! |
2018-07-23 01:38:20 |
The Investigation - Caroline Ann
You tell only BULLSHIT!That girl COULDN'T HAVE BEEN "fucked to death"!Someone COULDN'T DIE just from one fucking,no matter how violent it is!When you write something,TRY TO BE A LITTLE PLAUSIBLE and not to tell NONSENSES! |
2018-07-23 02:27:50 |
Memories of a Mortician Case 16: Erotic Deomposition
YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT,you definitely are TOTALLY INSANE,if you can say that such A MONSTRUOSITY is "one of the best experiences anyone should wish for"!THIS IS NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL,YOU SICK PERVERTED MORON!NOBODY who is a human being should "wish for" such A FILTHY AND DISGUSTING MONSTRUOSITY!Go and SHOOT YOURSELF,you crazy ANIMAL! |
2018-07-23 02:54:12 |
NO PEASANT WOULD HAVE EVER "been creaming for some bronzed fit hitler youth to fuck her",you FUCKING IDIOT!Go to your nazi brothers,if you think that those BASTARDS young nazis,were even remotely attractive to any decent woman,and KILL YOURSELVES! |