Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-06-07 04:31:09 My Life. Ch. 1..._(0) “A woman spreading open the lips of her vagina” IT IS REALITY,AS MUCH AS ANY OTHER VAGINA!It’s only somehaw engrossed in order to excite people!But VAGINAS DO LOOK LIKE THAT when they are spreaded!And a shaved PUSSY,since OBVIOUSLY WOMEN DON’T SHAVE THEIR VAGINA,LOOKS VERY NORMAL,though lacking the natural grown hair,but besides that IT’S AS REAL AS IT CAN BE!Also,in real life one can play with a vagina BY SPREADING ITS LIPS,not just by “rubing the clit” or by fingering that woman!So much for the sexual “teachings” of mother to her son!If you speak about REALITY,then BE REALISTIC when you write something!
2019-06-26 11:08:26 The Receptionist Regarding what the person in the precedent comment said:Microsoft Word as well as other software HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with "word misuse" and with "tense"!That's only an author's job,to write correctly!But,in this story,word misuse IT'S NOT "HIGH" AT ALL and NEITHER IS TENSE!
Also,someone who has GOOD ABIILITIES WOULDN'T "get cut to ribbons against an armed criminal in no time flat",NO MATTER if he wouldn't have been in a fight until then!THERE ARE THE ABILITIES,NOT THE EXPERIENCE that matter in such a moment!If a person has such good abilities in a fight,THERE IS NO REASON TO PRODUCE A "BACK STORY" about how he has such abilities!He SIMPLY HAS THEM and THAT'S IT!
Some people SHOULD REALLY LEARN TO THINK at what they tell before correcting other people!
2019-06-26 11:09:13 The Receptionist Regarding what the person in the precedent comment said:Microsoft Word as well as other software HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with "word misuse" and with "tense"!That's only an author's job,to write correctly!But,in this story,word misuse IT'S NOT "HIGH" AT ALL and NEITHER IS TENSE!
Also,someone who has GOOD ABIILITIES WOULDN'T "get cut to ribbons against an armed criminal in no time flat",NO MATTER if he wouldn't have been in a fight until then!THERE ARE THE ABILITIES,NOT THE EXPERIENCE that matter in such a moment!If a person has such good abilities in a fight,THERE IS NO REASON TO PRODUCE A "BACK STORY" about how he has such abilities!He SIMPLY HAS THEM and THAT'S IT!
Some people SHOULD REALLY LEARN TO THINK at what they tell before correcting other people!
2019-06-28 19:02:59 The Privileges of Power When someone dies by hanging,HE/SHE DOESN'T RELEASE "the water that remains in his/her body"!That's A NONSENSE!Be REALISTIC in what you write!
2019-07-13 04:22:15 My Swinging Parents_(1) THERE ARE PRIVATE BEACHES IN HAWAII!YOU are “a goog”,you MORON!