Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2020-02-02 15:32:10 Naked Family Ep. 1: The Journey Begins IT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL that nudism “connected family members so well because everything was out in the open”!THIS IS A HUGE NONSENSE!A family HAS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED to practice nudism to be PERFECTLY CONNECTED!The connection between family members IT’S ALWAYS ABOUT THE INSIDE BOUNDS FIRST,not about the outside bounds!
Also,what you tell about the rules from Cap d’Agde naturist resort IT’S NOT TRUE!For example,IT’S DEFINITELY NOT TRUE that “you must be nude at all times except for entering and exiting the resort” or that “you must always wear shoes in the dining areas”!On the contrary,YOU MUSTN’T BE NUDE “at all times” in there!There are many places where CLOTHING IS OPTIONAL and ANY PERSON WHO WANTS CAN WEAR CLOTHES(usually light casual ones)!And YOU MUSTN’T ALWAYS WEAR SHOES “in the dining areas”!The wearing of shoes IS ALSO OPTIONAL!
2020-02-02 15:39:02 Naked Family Ep. 1: The Journey Begins Why would that girl tell her mother that she didn’t wanted any sunscreen because she wanted “to get tan”?!EVERYBODY KNOWS that YOU CAN VERY WELL TAN WHILE WEARING SUNSCREEN!Be REALISTIC when you write something!
2020-02-02 15:47:05 Naked Family Ep. 1: The Journey Begins A woman over forty years old CAN HAVE PERFECTLY NATURAL BREASTS WHO DO NOT HAVE ANY SAG AT ALL,not even a “subtle” one!So,IT DEFINITELY DOESN’T MEAN that in order to show their “naturalness” the breasts of such a woman should sag at ALL!
2020-02-02 16:05:49 Naked Family Ep. 2: Beach Day INCEST NEVER HELPS ANY FAMILY “grow closer and helps the kids feel more confident in themselves and live happier lives”!WHAT A HUGE BUNCH OF BULLSHIT!Where did you get SUCH ABERRATIONS?!On the very contrary,INCEST WRECKS EVERY FAMILY WHO PRACTICE IT and IT DESTROYS THEIR CHILDREN!YOU MUST BE REALLY INSANE to write SUCH RUBBISH!
Also,how can you write that “ what more love can you show to your kids besides intimate sex”?!Intimate sex with your kids IT’S NOT LOVE,you FUCKING PERVERT,but A SICK AND DISGUSTING THING!GO FUCK YOURSELF and STOP WAISTING OUR TIME with THIS BIG CRAP!All those MORONS who tell that they “love” and “like” this PIECE OF SHIT ARE REALLY DISGUSTING FREAKS!
2020-02-03 22:53:52 Naked Family Ep. 2: Beach Day And how could their mother tell that “I mean I suppose those are the same reasons we practice nudity in our family” and that “it makes sense I suppose”!THIS IS NOTHING BUT NONSENSICAL BULLSHIT!NUDITY AND INCEST ARE NOT PRACTICED “for the same reasons” and THEY AREN’T AT ALL THE SAME THING!And NOTHING OF THAT SITUATION MADE ANY SENSE!IT WAS ABSOLUTELY SENSELESS and TOTALLY UNREALISTICAL!NO PERSON SANE OF MIND would have accepted that incest is a good thing!Then,the boy IS CLEARLY WRONG when he says to his sister that “I guess if it makes them happy who are we to judge what they do”!THEY WERE TWO RESPONSABLE PEOPLE who HAD EVERY RIGHT TO JUDGE SUCH A SICK PERVERSION!THE PURPOSE OF JUDGEMENT IS TO JUDGE!And IT DIDN’T MATTER AT ALL if A MONSTRUOSITY “made them happy”!In this SICK logic they could be happy for killing people and they shouldn’t be judged for this!STOP WRITING SUCH CRAP!