Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-07-13 04:23:42 My Swinging Parents_(1) THERE ARE PRIVATE BEACHES IN HAWAII!YOU are “a goog”,you MORON!
2019-08-15 12:59:43 A Fatal Association STOP WRITING this NONSENSICAL BULLSHIT about people urinating when they dying!THIS is just CRAP!A dead person DOES NOT URINATE ANYMORE!STOP TAKING US FOR FOOLS by writing such ABERRATIONS!
2019-08-15 13:07:45 A Fatal Association This story IS NOT AT ALL "very good",as someone WRONGLY says!IT'S JUST A STUPID UNREALISTICAL CRAP!
2020-02-02 05:45:20 My mother the famous author - part 1 The mother-biker scenario IS DEFINITELY PALUSIBLE and those who are saying otherwise,tell ONLY BULLSHIT!Why on Earth making the mother a lesbian(as someone BABBLES) would have ever "been more plausible"?!THAT'S A HUGE NONSENSE!IT'S WAY MORE PLAUSIBLE FOR A WOMAN TO HAVE SEX WITH A MAN because IT'S THE NATURAL THING FOR HER!And this kind of scenario it's not plausible because,as someone else says,"she's a conservative woman writing children's stories,in the public eye and must behave,she's stuck around corporate world all the time,she wants to rebel against her norm"!Those are RUBBISH!SHE IS NOT PICTURED AS A "CONSERVATIVE WOMAN" and having sex with a man DOESN'T MEAN AT ALL that she is not "behaving",IT'S NOT LIKE SHE WAS MARRIED!Also,SHE ISN'T "STUCK AROUND CORPORATE WORLD" because she is not a business woman or something like that!So,SHE HAD NO REASON to "rebel against her norm"!SHE SIMPLY WANTED TO HAVE SEX WITH A MAN and she found that biker!
2020-02-02 06:02:35 My mother the famous author - part 3 IT'S NOT TRUE that "soon or later he's going to knockoneup"!HE IS NOT GOING TO KNOCK ANYBODY UP!