Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-06-26 12:42:36 Fun With Video Porn Also they should have made a video of both weekends to enjoy later.
2018-06-27 12:25:38 Menage a quatre 3 Again, as I said earlier, "Now that's what I'm talking about"; two (or more) couples so in love with each other that their goal is to make sure everyone in the group is satisfied by the experience & action.
Previously I had thought about "Mum" & one of her boyfriends making the quartet a sextet. I guess a quintet will be fine for now with both Ron & Reg DP his Mum. What are the sisters going to do in this "trio time"? How stupid of me, 69 of course!
I love it. Well written, tastefully presented, good character presentation in a timely fashion, good spelling, grammar, & syntex. Another important factor is Ron's looking at the other aspects of the relationship other than just raw sex. "I need to get to know you better" Just a little early for total commitment! More married couples should have looked at each other simerally would mean fewer separations across society.
2018-06-27 21:08:53 The couple in the next apartment building gets kinky Loved it, would have been more exciting (to me) if Ted or Stan (the doormen) had teamed with Megan to make a foursome swap.
Even though the previous comment critized your use of paragraphs, I had no problem following the story line.
2018-06-27 22:30:43 Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin "Now that's what I'm talking about" Swapping girls all around, so each one gets the pleasure from another guy (or gal) and can better appreciate what they have at home and even that now gets more & more exciting. No sneaking around cheating but openly share the experience together so no one gets hurt or "left out".
Some of your paragraphs could have been broken down a little more, especially when conversation was taking place.
I was a little surprised that Sally was 1st to "break the ice". I expected one of the other girls that had "cross fucked" the previous weekend would be 1st with Sam since he was "new" like Sally. Still great & a good surprise the way it was presented. Tastefully done.
Looking to more of the same in the next chapters. Thanks
2018-06-27 22:49:59 Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 2 I agree the addition of the nephew (experienced by the way) is a great surprise. I am eager to see how "Saturday night live" develops with the extra male & will Kerry's reaction to DP be the same as Mary & Sally