Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-06-29 11:37:16 Grace in Disgrace 4 Can't find Ch 5. This common ocurance is very irritating. Of all the stories in chapters that I've read, most of them are just like the story of Grace. No last chapter for resulation or closure of the story..
2018-06-29 15:01:13 Sam & Alicia THis is a fantastic scenaro. I'm sure there are parents that are such open minded but few & far between. Wendy's warning about breaking up but remaining friends is very realistic concerning the ages of our hero & his "Queen".. The posiblilty of a young break up with hard feelings & sorrow or regreats is a real threat to young relationships as exampled here.
Well written and again tastfully presented. Of course Wendy's reaction to the relationship was a commplete surprise. " Would You like to spent the night here?" "WOW!"
I agree with all of the comments except, "this is fucked up" Both mums show an acceptance of reality that teens want to experiment with sex. The fact that Rosile & Sam showed realistic responsibility was an encouragement to Wendy remembering her interest, action, & worry of her fist experience.
Well & tastfully written. I like it, mucho.
2018-06-30 10:51:57 Our new baby sitter's mum (2) Excellent, I expect to enjoy this story as well as all the stories by doz that I've read. The exception is the closure of each story. It seems that everything I've read has the last chapter or 2 missing from the list available. I hope that this story doesn't fall in that same slot of "incomplete"
2018-06-30 11:18:23 Our new baby sitter's mum (3) Another great story tastefully done. Doz, I greatly enjoyed your works. great imagination (or experience). I also notice that these stories have been around 6 yrs (at r) Some of the stories hint as what will probably happen next i.e. Wendy, the 13 yr old was expected to part of the story sex action even as she was introduced and surley after her mother ehjoyed such attention & release. Of course she wants her daughter to enjoy life & be as happy as possible, every parents desire.
2018-06-30 11:41:38 Our new baby sitter's mum (4) Expected it to be longer, but these short & to the point sexy episodes are great, too. Except for some conversational parts, easy to read. I think good character development, deions of action, and "feelings"! After all the sensual physical, emotional, & mental euphoria is the reasons for sex (as well as children to continue families & overall humanity world wide).Give our Creator praise & thanks for such a wonderful gift for relationships.