Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-05 12:10:58 Let It Rain #6 Fantastic story. Story line in detail right up to the Epilogue. The epilogue was complete to close out the story. and there is still more posibliities if Janice & her new man want to experience some group "playtime"; or some clients start flurting with anyone, male or female. Do the twins marry & bring other guys into the "extended family". When do all the younger children start showing their interest in sexual activities of any sort, each other (male &/or female), or crushes on adults, (male or female). Do any of the children want to bring their schoolmates home for a "sleepover" Future scenarios could be neverending, just like "life goes on" no matter what.
Thank you for sharing your talent withus. You've got potential, DON'T STOP
2018-07-05 18:30:08 Girl With A Secret I agree with you wholeheartedly. Before I married my 2nd wife, I had several affairs after my 1st wife died. Very hard to give up such a pleasure! Trying to be completely up front with my new feiance, I told her about some of these leaisons.
After we had been married for a few years, she told me that she could understand why women would be attracted to me;especially after we shared a sexual encounter. She said, " You always do whatever you can to make sure that I enjoy the experience."

My reply, "it's not a give & take but a shared experience. I'm going to climax & enjoy it. I want to make sure my partner enjoys it to, so she'll keep coming back for more.
She responded, "I'm not going anywhere."
Now, that's what love is all about, of all the women I dated my wife is the 1st one that would accept me,and we had a emotional, spiritual, and common interest bonding I never found in anyone else.
2018-07-05 18:33:37 Girl With A Secret tPlease forgive my spelling, I don't understand why this story is under "prostitution"?
2018-07-05 21:10:02 My First Hooker pt. 2 It would be an interesting survey to know if all 1st time clients were so well received or is this example of the lesser percentage of clients?
Well written, tastefully done.
2018-07-05 21:58:40 Waking Up a Whore Good deions, no character building because of the amnesia. Appears that you did some research on amnesia symptoms, my understanding, that's exactly the way it works. Some things automatic reaction, other things a complete mystery; like taking a job with no training, "What am I doing here?"
Of the examples I've read, you have talent. Thanks for sharing it with us.