Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-06-06 11:52:51 Movie Night 2_(0) This "Young Lady" has advanced far, far beyond her age. Like Ch 1 said "13 going on 30". At such an early age, using her sexual prowess to "get what she wants" from a man. What she is doing is beyond "a cute 4 or 10 yr old girl twisting Dad or Granddad around her little finger".. She is catching on fast what men & boys like to do sexually with women "turned on" like she is."
Great presentation. Sam being the aggressor is proper scenario. Chad's immature reaction is why "statutory rape" laws are on the books. He needs more will power, than to "take advantage" of her immature growing desires.
Love Ur work, very sensitive handling of the details of the story line. Excellent
2019-06-06 12:59:58 Movie Night 3_(2) Unfortunately,their lives (as well as movie night) will never be the same. I was a little surprised Sam didn't compare the withdrawal (Shooting cum on the stomach & tits of the actress) on the movie to Chad's shooting inside her. She is a smart & observant girl "Daddy's pre-cum taste like my pussy juice. Since I like the taste of his pre-cum, would he like the taste of my pussy juice?" Also surprised he didn't withdraw"just like in the movie" This example reinforces my theory that properly written porn with proper narrative instruction (a lot of warnings & facts) would be a good teaching tool for teens. One statement emphasized in the training video -- "defective condoms"
Again, enjoyed Ur work look forward to more. Will check back again in a few days. Congratulations on Ur success sharing Ur talent & good luck on Ch 4 & continuing this story & new ones.
2019-06-06 15:19:04 How Traditions Start – part 7 "Sorry, too many votes today" I was so glad to see Ch 7 posted, a little disappointed Molly's & Presley's sessions no int this chapter. Just makes me more excited about Ch 8 when U post it.!! I feel Liz (Mom) should have said something about condoms & STDs.(Knowing the girl or more casual.) She also should have talked more about seduction & slowly building the sensual state of the female partner. I feel Molly & Presley will help Jack in these areas more than Liz does.
Again, well written. Erotic, funny in places, & educational. By example, Liz showed Jack the joy of partner response in orgasm. She didn't mention foreplay (preparation) as such. Looking forward to future chapters.
2019-06-06 15:19:05 How Traditions Start – part 7 "Sorry, too many votes today" I was so glad to see Ch 7 posted, a little disappointed Molly's & Presley's sessions no int this chapter. Just makes me more excited about Ch 8 when U post it.!! I feel Liz (Mom) should have said something about condoms & STDs.(Knowing the girl or more casual.) She also should have talked more about seduction & slowly building the sensual state of the female partner. I feel Molly & Presley will help Jack in these areas more than Liz does.
Again, well written. Erotic, funny in places, & educational. By example, Liz showed Jack the joy of partner response in orgasm. She didn't mention foreplay (preparation) as such. Looking forward to future chapters.
2019-06-07 01:14:28 my boyfriend uses me again Only sex. No character, no social or personal interaction, just a cum dump. Not really eroticism. Just dry detached masturbation in a woman's holes.