Comments from SilverSwan

Date Story title Comment
2020-01-25 04:50:01 Vampire next door An entire sequence was duplicated. While the story began beautifully written, you seemed to rush to get to the "end"; of course, it wasn't the end. Hopefully, you'll continue this intriguing story. Please!
2020-01-26 03:13:11 Bateman and Son Photography VI Why isn't there more? This is a great story!
2020-01-26 04:43:56 The Club, Ch. 5 - Back at Work So glad to be a domme.
2020-01-28 04:05:28 The World of Erasthay - The Son of Lust Chapter 1: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed Such fun to read!
2020-01-28 04:12:17 SO's "Vampire" - One - Betraitor This could be a good story but you need editing. Your dialogue is poorly done. It's a creative idea but definitely needs a good proof reader.