Comments from PABLO DIABLO

Date Story title Comment
2018-12-20 11:36:02 The Chauffeur (#12), LA @Jackbequicker, please elaborate on what you didn't like about this chapter. Always looking for feedback to try and craft future stories to become more palatable for everyone.
To everyone else, THANK YOU again for the nice comments.
2018-12-22 15:07:59 The Chauffeur (#12), LA I'm working on the next chapter (#13). Hopefully it will be done and published before Christmas.
2018-12-23 17:07:05 The Chauffeur (#12), LA CHAPTER 13 update....i pushed through and finished chapter 13 (The World Falls Apart), I sent it to the admin. here and it sits waiting to be published. If you do not want to wait it is available to read now on the other site I publish on Look for the tab that says 'stories by author'. I publish there under the same pseudonym as here. If you go to the other site, please leave a comment so I know you have been there......Thank you to everyone for being a dedicated reader. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Please stay safe in this crazy world and be sure to tell your loved ones that you love them. You never know when the world will turn upside down.
2018-12-25 14:41:21 My brother changed me Gigantic paragraphs nearly lost me a couple of times. Chapter 6 basically being two large paragraphs were difficult to read. The story is palatable even delightful in places. Keep writing!
2018-12-28 18:24:35 It happened one night!_(1) Still waiting for a second part. Great story! Keep writing.