Comments from Slippery Saddle Bum

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-19 17:22:45 If you're female, please contact me whenever you have one. lol

I'll hang a sign on the door... The Dr. is.... IN

(no charge)
2011-05-12 03:35:20 Rape of dolly (continued) Well said, Ghost. .... Didn't bother trying to read it because the lack of education is utterly disgusting. ~~ SUPPORT THE TEACHER'S UNION!! Here's the evidence indicating that they're doing a great job.
Slippery Saddle Bum.
2011-05-12 05:34:55 Another mans wife. Part 1 hahaha loved that first comment.

Tell him if he took better care of her she wouldn't be out looking for it.
The story was very believable for me because I've done plenty of the same thing. When I was 27, I met a 39 yr. old beauty and we regularly fucked each other's asses off for four years. Then I was a passenger in a bad car wreck that I almost died in. Put me out of commission for over a year. By the time I was back in shape, I'd lost the connection. She ended up being sorry. When I saw her again, it was six years later and she was cursing the guy she'd hooked up with. They were split. She was happy to see me but I didn't make any offers. We'd had terrific sex and gotten along beautifully but she didn't wait for me. Payback for treachery is a bitch.
2011-05-14 04:03:31 There were two or three bobbles but it was a terrific story. It's too bad you submitted it on a site where morons who don't appreciate a good story come to. The rating would be a lot higher, as it deserves to be.
It was a beautiful love story. Makes you want to dig her mother up and torture the vicious bitch to death for stealing their lives.

2011-05-15 18:52:25 Congratulations. I'm glad to see the rating back up where it deserves to be. You got whacked hard in the beginning,

Excellent story.