Comments from Slippery Saddle Bum
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-06-20 03:32:48 | Little Cindy's Texas Adventure | hmm ... Looks like my niece is a member of XN. lol Anonymous reader 2011-06-13 13:36:43 Wow, when I let all the neighborhood boys fuck me when I was 9, I couldn't hardly walk the next day, lol. Pretty hot story, though! |
2011-06-30 03:12:00 | Good series but I'm not buying the 'true story' label. The girl's a virgin, who's in love with him, and the next day she's ready to cheat on him and suck off two other daddies. Not likely. Not at all. | |
2011-07-05 03:49:46 | EXPERIENCES OF A LIFETIME | I took ALL of my stories down because this site took one of my stories down (which was NOT a pedo story) and I don't appreciate alcaira re-posting this one again without my permission. I sent alcaira a PM about it and didn't even get the courtesy of a reply.. which figures, considering that I didn't get the courtesy of a request to post it. As long as you people let the Morality Police dictate what you're allowed to read, I and many other of us writers won't be posting our stories on this site. You've already seen that many of us have taken our stories down and stopped posting. Start writing to the site moderators and complaining about losing writers and stories because they're prohibiting the posting of what YOU want to read. Anyone who doesn't want to read our stories can choose not to.... just as it always was. Other sites would ban the self-appointed Morality Police so why not this site? The site moderators need to start telling them to STFU. *** SSB |
2011-07-09 04:44:41 | Eliot Walker and the Beautiful Angels. | As I said... Very imaginative work. I liked it. SSB. |
2011-07-10 08:55:40 | Little Amy's Curosity | P.S. I must admit that I was 3/4 drunk when I went there with them and didn't know that their daughter was going to be part of it. I'd already been fucking his wife. (with his knowledge and consent) I never went back to their house.. although I did continue to fuck the mother. She was a phenomenal piece of ass. She loved my stamina and staying power. She had excellent muscle control. Her pussy worked like a milking machine. |