Comments from BoBo0050

Date Story title Comment
2014-02-06 07:11:37 FCRC -- Part 05 Watch for some Tales From the Club Across The Street, coming to an erotic story site near you SOON!!!
2014-02-06 07:16:13 FCRC -- Part 06 I'd like to see more of all the characters, especially Angie, Kat's friend, getting it on with Cal...
2014-07-31 08:48:36 A Strange Case.... (Part 1) -- Revisited Please let me know what you think. When I originally posted this tale, I had gone as far as Part 2, and never finished it. Now, six years have passed, giving me more space for stuff to happen.

If you readers have any ideas, PM me. I will try to incorporate the ideas into the story line.

Thanks in advance -- BoBo0050
2014-07-04 00:23:52 Tales from The Club Across The Street: Phil and Shirley For Anonymous reader 2014-01-22 12:36:59 --

I could only list ONE genre, and Fantasy just didn't seem right, especially as there are no wizards, elves, or mages fighting monsters.
2014-07-12 03:01:00 FCRC -- Part 06 If any more comments are posted to this story, PLEASE make them constructive, not HTML or SQL programming.... If you're going to do programming languages, at least write in FORTRAN, BASIC, or (gulp) COBOL....