Comments from BoBo0050

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-12 01:43:16 Kat and Cal -- Part 02 (revisited) If anyone is interested in the full story, instead of waiting for the various parts to be posted, PM me here, and I'll see about getting the whole thing to you....
2015-11-14 19:20:39 A guy and his...? 12 A new threat Guys, guys, guys... Give pars001 time to finish his tale. It seems to me that the bond between Jake and his TWO Jinn allows him to access their magic, without leaving a magical residue inside him. I am probably wrong, though.

2015-11-14 19:01:40 A guy and his...?(11)Family ties I've been away for a while. Came back and saw Chapters 11-14. Just got done w/ 11, and I am very glad I came back. Looking forward to reading the other chapters.

Keep it coming.

2015-12-02 06:09:32 High-School Slut 01 Not surprised... it's a re-post of my original story.
2016-04-30 19:33:34 Leben This is a very interesting beginning. I would like to read more. By the way, you have come a long way in the craft from you A Guy and His....? Stories. Your writing is much better.

Keep up the good work. And give us more of this story.