Comments from BoBo0050

Date Story title Comment
2016-10-09 14:42:26 The Ring_(0) Here's a thought... We know that Keith isn't supposed to use his ring in a group, but... What would happen if Dave uses his amulet to "get lucky" with a super sexy chick that Kwith uses his ring on to fuck? After all, Keith was using a single, and Davejust wanted to get lucky with the same girl.... Just something for you to think about for a future installment.

By the way... Great story. I want a fully functioning copy of the ring....
2017-01-05 01:44:02 Three Rules When Writing Longform Erotica Charmbrights is absolutely correct. Notes on the backgrounds of your characters and settings are necessary. It's the best way to keep things straight. The best book series' that I've read were incredibly detailed, which made me wonder how much work the author did before he/she actually started writing the first part. 'Nuff See... for now....
2017-01-07 01:38:36 A guy and his...? 47 Army The good stories are worth the wait. You've come a long way as a writer since the first chapter of this story. Personally, I'd rather wait a little longer get for longer chapters with more story development in each, but I don't think that fits with your style.

There's an old saying I'd like to pass on to you: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Your style ain't broke. Patiently awaiting the next chapter....
2016-10-11 03:11:52 The Next Caruso Loved Part 1. Your hero, Rob, almost could have been me. Tenor, sang exceptionally well from an early age... The major difference is I quit singing when I was nine. My voice started to change then, and it didn't settle until I was about 14 years old.

I still sing, at the age of 57. Barbershop, mostly, but I do Karaoke every now and then.

Enough about me, though. One reason I love this series is that the hero IS a singer, and a damn good one, too. Glad he got a hot girl. I'm looming forward to reading parts 2 and 3...
2016-10-11 04:18:54 The Next Caruso--Part 2 Part 2... What to say? Overall, very much on a par with Part 1. A bit less sex, and a lot more story. Once again, the reader can see that less is more. The story has been advanced very nicely. My hope is that Steffi's dad doesn't backslide. Even with all the sex in the story, the love between Steffi and Rob shows through very well. I hope, also, that there is a big wedding scene in Part Three.

One question, though... Did any of the condoms break before Steffi got her pills refilled? That could make things interesting, if at did. Just saying'....