Comments from BoBo0050
Date | Story title | Comment |
2017-03-30 12:55:16 | A guy and his...? 51 War | The Final War is upon us. There is dissention within the Queen's Army. However, within the Ever Last Master's camp, there is Love and Unity. Yet, it has been said that Old Age and Treachery will beat Youth and Enthusiasm every effort, and the Evil Queen and her Army have been around for a llloooooonnngggg time. The Final Outcome is far from certain... |
2017-03-30 12:46:43 | A guy and his...? 51 War | The Final War is upon us, and there is dissention within the Queen's Army. However, within the Ever Last Master's camp, unity reigns supreme. Power and numbers alone will not win this war. However, it has been said that Old Age and Treachery will beat Youth and Enthusiasm, and the Queen and her troops have been around a llloooooonnngggg time. The Final Outcome is not a given.... |
2017-03-30 07:42:14 | A guy and his...? 50 Kasha | Yet another captured Jinn saved by Jake. It appears Jake's army grows larger with each chapter. And 11 babies? He's going to be payinga LOT of child support for the next 18+ years.... Keep up the good work, Pars. But you'd better figure out the ending soon, or your regular readers will quit reading the story.... |
2017-05-04 06:51:02 | An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 04 | In my misspent youth, I played the Star Wars RPG. From the quality of your fantasy, I have to ask. Did you play it as well? One of the last campaigns we ran was running backup for the Bothans who stole the Death Star plans. As it turned out, our team actually stole the plans, and the Bothans were the decoy.... Great series going on. I hope you're still reading the comments here.... |
2017-05-07 06:46:14 | Toman of the Cherokee 1 | To paraphrase Ben Parker, "Pars001, with great storytelling potential comes great responsibility." The main reason you have so many detractors is you have too many projects going at once. It's cool that you do that, but you need to finish your longer series before starting a new one. That being said, this has been a good starting point for this story. If you can, consistently post longer chapters; that way, you'll finish your story in way fewer chapters. Once a story is finished, leave it on a back burner for a while before revisiting it for a sequel or two. Revisit the comments every so often, so you can see if there's any interest in more stories in that universe. Remember... always leave them wanting more.... |