Comments from BoBo0050

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-10 02:54:54 A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch. 16 Okay... Maddie has some evidence to throw some light onto David's case. The question is, will the new Security Council believe it? That AND the fact that the two who were there when "David" fired that aura arrow could feel NOTHING of the magic in use at the time? David's magic tends to throw a HUGE splash....

Then, there's the problem of Tammy. She could definitely throw a Monkey Wrench in the works for both the Illuminati AND the Masons....
2019-04-10 14:14:56 She Gave Him Power - Part 2 Here's an idea for you to develop... What if Aaron were to go to a strip club and do the Domination thing like he did with Mandy, but with two or three of the very sexy ladies there? Think he'd like that??? If I had his power, I know I would....

Also, it's getting close to time for the alien woman who gave him his power to check up on him, but do it AFTER he's had the three- or foursome from the Gentlemen's Club.

One last question before I go. He's cum in two women so far, without using any kind of protection. Have the girls become pregnant? I'd think his sperm count should be sky high, if he's supposed to impregnate an entire alien female population to save their race. I might even volunteer to help Aaron....
2019-04-23 16:47:19 A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch. 17 Charlie Larusso was hoisted on his own pitard; Dave Brighton was cleared; the Masonic Council now has another clue as to who and/or what is behind all these shenanigans; and a new Masonic Security Council needs to be elected.

Henry Ironside gets my vote for Security Chief. He's the best Investigator the American Masons has. Dave and Maddie are obvious choices for two of the other three open spots, which is all the more reason to deny them those positions. They need to be available for any tough jobs that might come up. They also have a family to take care of.

As for the other three spots, it's a shame that Stephen Hawking has passed. With his quick mind and wicked sense of humor, he'd be a great member.

I'll comment again after I read the Epilogue. This has been a very good series, Auguy86. and you ought to consider consolidating A Genius in King Arthur's Court AND A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta into novels. It shouldn't be difficult for you to do....
2019-04-23 17:15:28 A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta - Epilogue Great way to end this series!!! HOWEVER.... You BETTER NOT leave your loyal readers HANGING!!!!

Dr. Iger probably should have run for his district's seat in the House of Representatives first. Then, after his first term ends, he might attempt re-election, since two years isn't enough time to establish oneself as a competent political entity. Still, with his connections, he just might win his Senate bid. That COULD raise a red flag for the MBAS Security Council, though, causing Dave and Maddie to be assigned the case....
2020-08-05 04:19:04 The Contract - Part 1 Very good start. I'm looking forward to reading more of Eddy and Marie's adventures.

Two things bothered me, though. Firslyt, in English, quote marks are ALWAYS at the top of the line. For Instance... "I like your DD tits," Joe said to Francine.

Secondly, five hundred million dollars American would be written as $500,000,000US, with the dollar sign in front of the number. The US designates the currency as American dollars, not Australian dollars.

I hope that helps a bit. The only reason I mentioned this is that, in your introduction, you asked for help along those lines as English isn't your native tongue.