Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-01 22:27:35 Potential Part 5 If you read chapter 7 on Nifty or Wolfpub before 6/1/16 then you missed 5 pages that were cut out of the story when posting. It has been corrected. Up on wolfpub submitted on Nifty. Should be there soon. Sorry.
2016-08-24 03:51:28 Potential 9 Gee Wiz, be patient. I'm working on it as fast as I can. Thanks, though.
2016-12-18 15:34:23 Potential Part 12 Thanks fun4. 14 is up.
2016-08-20 14:51:33 Potential 9 Yes there is a chapter 10 and it's at the same stop as chapter 6. I'll get 10 up here as soon as I find the time to figure out what changes are needed to get it accepted here.
2016-11-16 23:23:53 Potential Part 12 The latest offer to proofread seems to have fallen through like all the others. I'll post 13 on Friday with or without it. If you see errors, especially if you are a master at punctuation, please point them out.