Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2021-01-09 17:34:57 Potential Part 5 Chapter 6 is not here on this site. Why? Look at previous chapter's comments.
This is probably a good time to mention that all my stories and your comments get cloned on Russian sites as me, but it's not me. That is why when you get to chapter 30 you'll find I stopped posting here. I hate that because I got my start on this site. You might want to look for me on a different site now. There are three other places. One is my favorite. Wrist
2021-04-07 11:41:23 Potential Part 30_(1) Looking for the next chapter, look at one of the other sites. Everything I have posted on this site ends up on Russian sites, posted as me, with all the comments from here and all. I'm sick of it.
2021-06-13 17:51:31 Potential Part 30_(1) alandee

It's not finished, but life got in the way for a bit. You definitely need to find one of the sites where it is posted and stick with it there. This is the only site I stopped posting for the reasons given in previous comments. Try Wrist or Wolfpub and leave some comments every now and again so I know you're reading it. I'm not that motivated to work my ass off when I think nobody is reading.