Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2020-06-19 18:05:42 Potential Part 13 wlaura75, thank you for taking the time toread my stuff and especially for commenting. It's nice when other author say something because I know they get it.
I'm not sure why you don't post here, but I'm not posting anymore here. I realized that every single thing I post here and even the comments are ending up on Rusian sites. I can't do updates there, interact or get anything out of the admins, so I'm done. It's more of a pain to post here anyway. I mostly write and interact on Wrist. A great site with supportive staff and writers.
2020-08-30 16:22:50 My Neighbor's Incest Part VI (revised) Tomcat, the story was removed by the site because of rules, or more likely the people who reported me for breaking them :-)
This is one of my first stories written way back in 2009. It was poorly written. I've started cleaning it up some, but time has been an issue. You can find the first 5 chapters on Nifty or wolfpub. On Nifty you have to search for Jasmine under bestiality. It's tricky to find.
If you still want to read more, let me know and I'll find a way to make it available to you.
Have you read potential?
2020-09-06 14:15:55 Potential Part 13 Southpaw, I typed a message for you on the forum in a private message with information you need that can't be posted in public areas because of site rules. I got a message that I can't send you a message, so I searched for your profile or any post you made and found nothing. You'll need to reach out to me if you want the message. Send me a PM from the forum and I'll reply.
2020-11-11 01:59:54 Potential Part 2_(1) Dazzlicious. Thank you for reading and commenting. It means a lot. Yes, you should follow elsewhere. Not sure if you'll come back to see this, but I hope so. look for my author page on wrist. I have the same username. On one site I don't even have a username, so it's hard to find my stuff.
2020-12-23 16:00:22 Potential Part 30_(1) thank you Southpaw1430. I'm happy to see you found a new place to read it. I hope others have also. Then again, the lack of comments about me pulling out of here might suggest there isn't anybody reading this.