Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-11 13:56:49 Potential Part 1 Thanks for reading it. Give feed back and please tell me about the errors I missed in proof reading. I'll keep posting chapters if people want to read them. It's a long story.
2016-03-12 16:29:23 Potential Part 1 Thanks for the comments. BTW while I was gone I wrote Jasmine's Beach Therapy on paper, but after 400 pages I never got it finished. Maybe one day.
Sorry how short this was. I forgot how long it takes to get something posted. Chapter 2 is waiting. Hopefully it will show up tomorrow. If you can't wait, PM me and I'll tell you where you can read it now.
2016-03-17 19:40:39 Potential Part 1 Sorry folks, chapter 2 refused by site. PM me and I'll tell where else you can follow along. I really like this site, but come on, this isn't a story about adults abusing minors.
wolfpub org
2016-03-15 16:20:06 Potential Part 1 Sorry if you're waiting for the next part. It's just sitting there four days now waiting to show up. I'll try and do better accounting for the lag. The other site I post on the chapters shows up right after I post them and I can re-post just as quickly if I have to correct something.
2016-03-16 22:17:08 My Neighbor's Incest Part XIX The End Hey, Anonymous reader, great insight and comments. Anybody wants to run with a continuation of this plot line, go for it. I couldn't properly finish it because of a serious tragedy, so I threw that ending on there. I did some work on a story with Jasmine but never finished it.