Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2009-06-05 19:33:29 My Neighbor's Incest Part V Thanks for taking the time to read these, and vote for them. I think that's why they have stayed high, because you'll take the time to click the vote button.
I can promise, I haven't figured out how to vote twice. I tried to see if it could be done, but no luck. Not that I would care to. It's not like anyone pays me for this!
2009-06-10 22:41:36 My Neighbor's Incest Part V If you are looking for part VI, it is on the way. I posted it Monday but then realized I posted the wrong version. I am trying to get the admin, since yesterday to stop the validate process. Nothing yet. I hope to be able to repost it soon.
If for some reason you see part VI and it has typeo's and SN, JM instead of Susan and Jasmin. Sorry I screwed up. Hopefully it will get fixed first.
2009-06-12 23:16:48 My Neighbor's Incest Part VI I wish I knew someway to let people know before they read this, but I have sent several PM's and e-mails to the admin, all week, but nothing. It's bad enough it takes 5 days to get the story posted, but if you need to make a change, it's murder.
I don't know how I pasted the wrong text, but I did. I hate making mistakes more than you know.
I will not let it happen again.
2009-06-13 11:00:01 My Neighbor's Incest Part V Be prepared:
If you liked this and plan to move on to Part 6, I posted the edit version. You will have to endure some type'os and you will see SN and JM in many cases for Susan and Jasmin. If this is going to bother you, then wait for the new version to get up there. I'll post a new message here when it does.
Other than the above mentioned, the correct version is the same, with some minor paragraph reworks at the beginning.
**Sorry I made a bone head move, and for 5 days have been trying to get it undone, but the admin must be on vacation this week.
2009-06-13 11:09:42 My Neighbor's Incest Part VI Thanks for saying so. Check back if the new version gets up here, because while I had time, I reworked the beginning to better describe Joe's conflict, and tuned up some other parts. If you know some place I can post it right away, let me know and I'll do it for you.
Does anyone who has been on this site for a while, know why there is a 4 or 5 day waiting period for a story to get posted? It's obviously an automated process, and they don't seem to reject many stories, so why 5 days?