Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2009-10-31 22:23:48 My Neighbor's Incest Part XII Stop reading them, jackass! Are you so stupid you read things you don't like?
2009-10-29 16:49:36 My Neighbor's Incest Part XI I appreciate what you just said, even about the grammar and spelling. If you care to I am happy to have you tell me what the problems are, so I'll be aware. I'm not a writer, or even very good at English. But, I try to be correct and make each storya good story.
I wish people who weren't interested in a story would go read one of the fuck stories and not waste time reading this story. I bust my ass to make this good for everyone, but that is not going to happen. If I do something to rate a negative vote, please tell me what it is, so I will know if I need to improve something, or just know that some people want to give you a thumbs down. I can't make the story good for everybody, but I want to do my best.
2009-11-01 08:44:46 My Neighbor's Incest Part XII Redlust,
You nailed it. I was dropping hints but didn't want it to be obvious. PM me if you have anymore. Now that the story has diverted so far from the actual facts, I can make anything happen. I hope to post the next chapter in the next day or two. I know this is hard to believe, but I spend anywhere from 20 to 30 hours on each chapter, start to finish. I type slower than slow, and I have to proof read them at least four times and yes, still miss shit. Thank you.
2009-11-03 10:40:13 My Neighbor's Incest Part XII "I just think it's wrong for Susan to do that to Joe"
What do you mean, tell him about her parents or mess with his head with Jasmin?
2009-11-03 16:05:37 My Neighbor's Incest Part X anon,
Sorry you're disappointed. If you have been following this story you know I had to toss the actual facts a long time ago to keep it going. Those facts, even then were loosely being followed.
The story is about conflict within the characters. Joe, especially. When I was his age, I'm sorry to say, my dick normally spoke louder than my heart and often left me with regrets. Anyone else have that problem? This is an exaggerated story about that.