Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2016-07-19 03:33:19 Potential Part 8 READ THIS: If you skipped chapter 6 because it's not here, you are missing out on important details of the story. To read it, go to Nifty org or Wolfpub. PM me if you can't or won't do that. I can PM it back to you.
Why isn't it here? See comments on chapter 5
Ten is coming. Sorry, I have had major issue lately. I'm currently trying recover 10 after a drive crash
2016-07-19 12:50:23 Potential Part 8 READ THIS: If you skipped chapter 6 because it's not here, you are missing out on important details of the story. To read it, go to Nifty org or Wolfpub. PM me if you can't or won't do that. I can PM it back to you.
Why isn't it here? See comments on chapter 5
Ten is coming. Sorry, I have had major issue lately. I'm currently trying recover 10 after a drive crash
2016-12-19 03:06:02 Potential Part 12 Have you read 13? It still hasn't posted here, so I'm guessing not. wolfpub or nifty. I have the same id on wolfpub. Nifty you'll have to search for Deana under bestiality.
2016-07-20 21:33:29 Potential Part 8 I had no intention of leaving people hanging after how chapter 9 ends. The truth is, first I had win 10 install without me asking and that fucked me up for a while. Then my SD card crashed and I lost the last 30 pages I had written. I have been so upset that I haven't been working. I'm over it and hope to recreate chapter 10 quickly.
2016-07-27 22:54:12 Potential Part 8 "Taking more then a week for a rewrite of chp 10?" Yes. Sorry I never meant for it to take so long and I'd be frustrated too if I was reading this. Rest assured, I'm doing my best.