Comments from BiStander

Date Story title Comment
2016-10-01 16:39:38 Potential 9 Thanks almostnormal and Mathematician. I hope I can keep giving you a good fix, so you don't jones. There aren't too many major events left and it should be pretty intense until the end. I'll throw in a few frivolous weird sex scene, too, of course.
I'm writing a short story right now for a contest and my parents are visiting next week for the first time in 3 years, but I'll still work as much as possible.
Can you believe 3 chapters are still waiting on the admin? I hope others are finding their way to Nifty and Wolfpub.
2017-01-17 04:50:33 Potential Part 14 Hopefully the end of this week.
2016-10-04 03:16:10 Potential Part 3 Everything is here except Chapter 1 and 3 of My Neighbor's Incest. 1, 2 and 3 were redone and combined into 1 and 2 and posted on Nifty and Wolfpub. On Nifty I don't have a user Id, so you have to search in Bestiality.
The missing chapters of Potential are on the same sites. That's chapter 1 thru 12
Thanks for enjoying my work. I recommend Wolfpub for great authors.
2016-10-04 12:50:06 Potential 10 Holly smoke, Chapter 10 and 11 finally got posted, and I named them wrong, sort of. Jeez.
12 is still waiting. If you've read these chapter elsewhere, and you've got time, give them a read and see if I hurt them making the changes required to get them posted.
2016-10-05 12:46:40 My Neighbor's Incest Part XIII Well Bistander does return and ignores the shitty comments and is thrilled by someone who(below comment) takes the time to write an intelligent encouraging comment. Thank you. Now, if you come back go to Wolfpub and read the first three chapters of this story. I think you'll agree I've learned a few things since 2009. Will eventually write a follow-up story.