Comments from Cybrgigolo

Date Story title Comment
2010-11-26 03:04:16 How Laura lost her cherry. This is virtually unreadable. Almost impossible to decipher what the person is trying to say. If you are going to make us fill in the blanks for how the story is supposed to go then just put in blanks and leave the bad grammar and spelling. Congratulations on the spacing though! A least it wasn't all bunched together.
2011-02-08 21:57:37 Baby-sitters Delight: Joyce Liked it - good start - definitely wanting a second chapter. Only complaint is to watch the spacing - makes it easier to read.
2011-03-04 22:38:43 Loved the story Nicola - must have - it took me three times to read it to get the whole thing in - came too early the other two times. Thanx for sharing with us all.
2011-05-10 19:53:53 mysterious fuck at midnight Love the story but yeah - have to watch the paragraphs. And you may have had them in there - from experience sometimes when you load it up on here they disappear - worse case double space the paragraphs - better to have 2 breaks than none. Definitely hope to hear more from you - indeed a sexy whore! ;)
2011-05-10 20:06:42 My step-sister Sara! Well for a first post that was pretty damn good. good description and had paragraphs to make it easier to read. Hell yes lets hear what happens the next morning!