Comments from Cybrgigolo

Date Story title Comment
2010-08-03 23:53:09 Amber’s First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole nice to see you writing again Princess. ;)
2010-08-08 05:04:25 Kaylee's Ordeal Hmmm so when is part two coming up?
2010-10-25 22:40:52 Kitten_(0) Hope that you find the time to write a second chapter to this and more.
2010-10-25 22:42:03 Kitten_(0) Hope that you find the time to write a second chapter to this and more.
2010-10-25 22:42:36 Kitten_(0) Hope that you find the time to write a second chapter to this and more.