Comments from Tash88
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-07-26 09:32:46 | Basement Rituals - Part III | I'm working on a sequel as we speak! I can give a small hint; Ryan foumd himself to enjoy inflicting!harm upon little Alex more than he thought... Stay tuned. |
2011-07-26 10:10:26 | What comes around, goes around... | He always drank his coffee black. It's a symbolic way of showing he is raw and dark purely by nature but only discovered it through dominating Alex. He mentioned 'next time' because Alex had teased him the last time by adding sugar to his coffee. He simply made clear that from now on, he is the boss and he makes the decisions, for both him AND for her. Whether it is how he drinks his coffee or.... Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon. |
2014-11-27 02:20:37 | Competition Chapter 1 | She used on him the tools she had available, he used on her the tool he had available. He won. Fantastic story, thank you! |
2014-11-27 01:57:09 | Opportune victim | Short and simple story, yet very effective! What a cunning personality you created. Thanks for the good read. |
2011-11-10 14:11:16 | It's Not A Handicap part 1 | Although the story is not really what I personally prefer (rape turns into voluntary and repeatable sex again? The women in the stories nowadays are such pussies. Pun intended.) I admit I really like that you touch upon a topic that many people tend to forget; handicaps and physical disabilities. Your story is the first one I came across which introduces the topic and eroticizes a woman with a physical disability. A very refreshing change from the usual blond 18 year olds. |