Comments from Tash88
Date | Story title | Comment |
2012-01-31 05:46:59 | Basement Rituals - Part III | Thanks for the kind words folks! im done writing part 1 of 2 of a brand new story, exploring some boundaries on slavery and incest. However, Im a perfectionist and its not to my satisfaction just yet. Ill post it when its to my liking ;) Im also in the progress of creating a plot for a sequel to.... Surprise :) xx tash |
2012-05-11 07:37:24 | 5ft6, 115lbs, 16yearsold, unspoilt... Sold. - Part I | Can all the jerk-offs stop commercializing their penises below my story before I castrate you all? Thank you. |
2012-05-25 13:49:01 | 5ft6, 115lbs, 16yearsold, unspoilt... Sold. - Part I | Thank you sir / ma'am :) I do enjoy reading comments from those who are acquainted with the full scale of my work. I'm very flattered by your comment. Yes, it is more sinister. I suppose it reflects my emotions in a certain period. Actually I'm rather amused that this story has issues gaining a high rating. Perhaps too dark for most of the readers. But hey, De Sade didn't get any credit for '120 Days of Sodom' while living either, now did he? |
2012-07-03 06:49:33 | Today is the first day of the rest of your life | Who says the ending always has to please the reader? I particularly enjoy it when I ruin a perfectly good horny moment of a man. Perhaps that's the sadist in me... |
2014-11-27 07:55:43 | I'm a sick, fucking bastard part 1 | Quite an interesting start, curious to read the rest. I have to admit I have less sympathy for Kathy than for the male perp in this particular case, due to her rather tame behaviour. A full grown man might be taller and stronger, but there's always room for advantage... Age can work against you too. And what about possible weapons? Aslong as Kathy has the fighter's spirit of a ragdoll, she should hush and deal with it. Will be looking into your other stories as you've piqued my interest. Regards, Tash |