Comments from Ed Itor

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-14 18:01:17 A Kind Stranger part 1 & 2 BRAVO!
A Very Good and well written story.
For those that wished it was true, you paid the author one of the highest compliments a reader could. It proved that touching the human spirit is something that can be achieved.
I look forward to reading more of your work.
2014-04-27 19:14:00 Boy in the grass 47 Pretty good episode; personally this is the kind of story that I usually skip the sex as after a while it becomes same old, same old.
With June back she can be "Aunty May" and also a lawyer. Alice can fudge the data stream to transfer June's education to May allowing her to threaten the to sue 'em back into the stone age.
The Judge can emancipate Max and they should go after the gang in such a way that it decides Wu is a liability that should be eliminated in a most gruelling way.
BUT hey you are doing well on your own so I await along with a lot of others "The continuing adventures of our heroes, same Max channel ..."
2014-05-03 04:00:42 Boy in the grass 51 I am sorry that they put Max in the sub role, Mike should have played that part and Max should have been an evil weird mad scientist type who had captured the school bully who use to pick on him and now tortured him. They could have made Mike look terrifyingly maimed, etc.
2011-06-12 16:14:37 Defying My Family Good story, you just have to keep your thoughts straight. You have him kicking the guy but say I fell to the ground.
Best way to write a story is use a word proggie with grammar & spell check (though it would not find the example i gave) and then paste it here.
2011-08-13 18:33:04 Ranchland - Chapter 1 It seems no one has picked up that Ben & his sister were adopted, so maybe they themselves were not blood related thus making his niece fair game.
Keep the story going and make it a love story as well as about their sexual coming together. Let them discover each other and grow while keeping the kinkiness down.
Check the site, these are the type of stories that get reviews and last longest on the most popular lists.