Comments from Ed Itor

Date Story title Comment
2013-02-03 00:25:38 This has been an enjoyable read and yes you do make fewer mistakes word wise now. Most grammatical checks don't pick up wrong words being used (MS Word does, probably only thing MS ever got almost correct. :lol) but there is a freebie called AbiWord that is very good and a lot like Word only better as it is not MS.
2013-02-10 11:45:58 The hero does not always have to be the strongest, if he is why then does he have to fear the villain? As for Myka being stronger, it seems from the story line that this form of magic comes from a traumatic event in the person's life and maybe the younger you are the more open you are to being over run by it. Remember Myka is not a WarMage and might never become one as children change what they want to be many times in their lives. She might become a great healer after being put into a position of seeing many hurt/dying. Only the story teller knows.
2013-02-27 16:37:39 In the Valley of the Amazons-4: Eternal Love Last seen here January 20/13
2013-03-03 00:22:13 In the Valley of the Amazons-5: Betrayal The way you ended this chapter for tells of real tragedy to come. Maybe the loss of a main character that we've all come to love?
Anxiously awaiting the next instalment.
2013-03-08 21:00:33 Andromeda1 For those of you that have not posted stories here most authors do format their stories BUT this site runs archaic software that does not recognise that formatting.

To all authors; when you format here you have to double space between paragraphs to get one spacing.