Comments from Ed Itor

Date Story title Comment
2013-03-17 23:28:37 Last 10 Seconds Well written and stands the test of time.
Welcome to the neighbourhood.
2013-03-23 19:26:51 Red Hawk the Spear Maker(Part 2 The Slavers) I have advised the admins of this plagiarism which is a bannable offence, you can expect it and the author to disappear.
2013-03-25 19:50:53 Fire Class: Becoming a Mage REPORTED and you will be banned for copyright infringement.
2013-03-28 18:58:19 FIre Class: Falling in Love This is hard to read do to gramar, misspelling and poor english. Sorry
2013-04-02 15:34:02 getting my daughters pregnant Who are all the girls that will have an orgy?
Not only was your grammar and spelling bad but you make statements that have not been setup for the story.
Please let it die and continue as a reader only.