Comments from nivek_88

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-24 04:21:50 An Incest Birthday Chapter 23 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I'm still working on chapter 24, but heres a line from it to keep you interested...

"It’s said that your life flashes before your eyes before you die, and mine did just that, with the good memories and the bad. I didn’t think I’d go this soon, but apparently life had different plans for me, and there was nothing I could do about it."

Do with that what you will, and thanks for being patient
2014-08-12 00:39:26 An Incest Birthday Chapter 24 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, anyone wanting to know any details or have any feedback they wanna give me about any upcoming stories I have feel free to shoot me a comment or message. As for this one, I'm still working through some kinks
2010-04-20 19:59:58 Horny Little Women Pt12 great series man. i cant help but think that the 4 sisters and the mother remind me of the spice girls (amy-baby, beth-scary, jo-sporty, meg-posh, hannah-ginger)
2010-04-20 21:33:11 Chapter 100 - Silky Blue not bad, but you gotta throw some sex in there
2010-04-22 16:11:53 I Love My Little Sister!-Part One great well written stories, 10/10