Comments from nathanhutch18

Date Story title Comment
2012-06-26 08:38:11 Harry potter chapter one I will repost this story in another format then, more of a script writing but for some people it is easier to read, i will sort the punctuation out as i go through the story okay.

as for the anonymous reader, how about stop been anonymous and why dont you do better? post something and see if you can do any better..just because i didnt pass my english class due to a minor problem i have doesnt mean this is impossible to read
2012-06-26 08:45:12 Harry potter chapter one I will repost this story in another format then, more of a script writing but for some people it is easier to read, i will sort the punctuation out as i go through the story okay.

as for the anonymous reader, how about stop been anonymous and why dont you do better? post something and see if you can do any better..just because i didnt pass my english class due to a minor problem i have doesnt mean this is impossible to read
2012-06-26 15:16:06 Harry potter chapter one Thankyou for actually giving some positive is my first official story and i will add part two as i re-write in a new format where it is easier to read..gaps wont be a problem as i have been told my style is made for plays so the gaps will be there in screenplay part will be added in the next couple of days..hopefully anyway..see how it for the orgy..sorry that part wont be there..instead there is ginny giving harry a blowjob while he sleeps..ron/hermoine full on sex scene and maybe an hermoine/ginny scene
2012-06-28 04:53:28 Harry potter chapter one How about harry and hermoine..harry, ginny and hermoine threesome? that any better
2012-06-28 09:56:02 Harry potter chapter one I seriously dont know how to win with you far its have harry/hermoine then dont..have ron/hermoine..harry/ginny..then others want ron with luna and harry not with ginny :/ do i win