Comments from nathanhutch18

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-04 11:36:46 Harry potter unfinished re-write Where as harry..although he loves ginny..he will always do anything to help his friends when it comes down to it
2012-07-04 13:25:10 Harry potter unfinished re-write In the end i think harry needs everyone more than he cares to you said without ron/hermoine he would of never gotten as far as he did..hermoine with her knowledge and ron with his..well his stupid luck has helped him more times than he can without friends he wouldnt be anybody :/ he needs people and ginny just happens to be one person..he needs more
2012-07-04 13:36:59 Harry potter unfinished re-write True..without ron harry would probably be in azkaban..he would be a completely different person and i dont think he would of ever met there would be no ginny
2012-07-04 18:18:04 Harry potter unfinished re-write On the final stretch now..hopefully by tommorow night i will post the re-write to chapter one
2012-07-09 20:32:28 Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write I'm sorry about the lack of sex, there will be more in chapter 2, well i hope there will but i suck at this whole writing so..never know