2012-08-22 19:17:38 |
Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write
Anyone who want's another part to this story, well if you aint kidding then i'm sorry to inform you that part two may never get made, i have other storys to pursue |
2012-08-23 17:25:34 |
Camp chapter one updated
Under educated, nope definately aint, bit of an alcholic maybe, but an anonymous person like yourself may never call me under educated and you should never call me stupid for the one mistake people make is calling me something i truly aint, now you can show your face and let me hospitalise you for the rest of your natural born life or you can apologise |
2012-08-23 17:34:10 |
Camp chapter one updated
I will admit one thing, maybe i do suck with my grammar and spelling, that has little to do with my education, that has more to do with where i live, the place i come from, the way we speak we generally use slang, i've tried not to incorporate any of my way of speaking into this story, okay i'll admit, maybe writing it while under influence of alchol isn't my smartest choice but i do stand by what i say, stupidity is something i have not got |
2012-08-23 19:27:35 |
Camp chapter one updated
You sir are an asshole, you have to hide behind the anonymous reader status, too scared to show the real you as you truly know that you could do no better |
2012-08-24 03:52:27 |
Camp chapter one updated
You know something, it occured to me last night that through all this arguing you have forgotten one main thing, grammar and spelling are not what make a story, its the plot, the characters, all the ideas to make a story what it is, it's about keeping the reader interested, making them feel like stopping reading would be a mistake as they might miss a major part, its about been able to connect with the reader through the words you chose to write |