Comments from nathanhutch18

Date Story title Comment
2012-07-10 04:58:56 Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write Thats only chapter one..probably wont write chapter two to be fair..was going to have harry return after been beaten by a gang of death eaters..have ginny nurse him back to health and him try to make things right with her
2012-07-10 13:31:17 Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write But this one was a failure..chapter two wont be any better..more sex sure..but still i failed with this one
2012-07-10 16:21:12 Harry Potter Chapter One Re-Write To be fair everyone is giving it a negative rating..its easy to change and make harry seem like a completely perfect guy who doesnt care that ginny cheated..can easily cut ron out..just make it about ginny/hermoine/harry through the whole chapter
2012-07-11 18:48:07 Sleep around (cheap poem) Asif anyone actually read this poem..think im more shocked that people liked it
2012-07-12 07:08:44 Sleep around (cheap poem) Well from 7 votes there is a 57.1% rating which would mean people actually liked it and more people must of liked it than hated it or the rating would be lower than low

thanks, not meant to be cute but sure