Comments from Efon

Date Story title Comment
2012-02-15 09:51:19 Locked up in the school, with two sexy girls part 2 It's REALLY hard not to comment about the lousy writing and editing of what could be a good story. That's like a chef ask people to not complain about how his food is covered in shit, but under that it's good. This could be the sexist story in the universe, but with crappy writing like this no one will ever know it. Grow up and write it right and THEN you might have something. Try reading a few stories and do something similar to the ones you like the most.
2012-02-15 09:57:35 The gambler It was good, but could have been a bit longer and more detailed.
2012-02-17 15:33:00 Milk of Desire, Chapter 4 : The truth starts to add up. Arg... I'm stuck in part 5. Anyone have a good way of Jen convincing Mom to leave the house in the evening on her day off? Curse you writer's block!
2012-02-17 15:36:26 IHNC 8.5 - Holiday Just so my readers know, this story-line, like the title says, is taking a holiday. I know I am slow at writing more content, but I need to let it simmer and come to me. The next part will be the kids taking the actual SAT test for the first time, and suggestions on where to go from here are welcome.
2012-02-17 17:11:39 Mom , sisters and me watch a DVD with them I want to like it, but the writing was just so poor. The concept was great, but execution was a 3 of 10 at best.