Comments from Ghostrider939
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-03-21 23:41:35 | limerick | I see up top that your age is secret - obviously not over three. A Limerick has five lines and the first two and the last should rhyme, as should the third and fourth example : A young fancy boy from Khartoum, Took a lesbian up to his room, And they argued all night, As to who had the right, To do what and with which and to whom, This sort of thing belongs on XNXX - your's in a child's primer book. |
2011-03-21 23:49:57 | Quite good story spoiled by being written by a teenage illiterate and blatantly untrue | |
2011-03-23 02:25:09 | Wanking at my Moms Request | A little bit off the beaten track . . .and really sexy. Good story and leaves room for a sequel. You've done some good stories but ,to me, this is the flagship. |
2011-03-23 02:39:38 | Trisha and her hot Mom | Most negative comments seem to come from wannabees who probably couldn't write their own name let alone a story as good as this. Keep it up. |
2011-03-24 02:30:53 | Worth the Wait | Non consensual sex IS rape. Rapists are the scum of the earth. Death to rapists is not enough. Five years in the local pen as Bubba's bitch would be an appropriate start. |