Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-10 18:44:45 As a straight fucky fuck writer you're not much cop . . .but as an erotic writer you are superb. Well written and well spaced and erotically loving more than jack off material. If you wrote a full length novel I would buy it. 8/10
2011-04-11 18:01:36 A chance encounter_(1) Young BUT Not TOO YOUNG. No violence and a pleased young pussy. Well written story, well spaced and sexy as hell. Great work Druid Loved it. 8/10
2011-04-12 05:36:22 A Christmas day Mericle with my cousin Lauren Almost exactly the same sentiment as as Anonymous 00:34:25 except I gave you the benefit of the doubt - and Hey - actually enjoyed the story. 7/10 and a positive vote. DON"T let me down with future stories or I'll sick my wife on you and believe me YOU DON'T WANT THAT - at all.Spell-check please.
2011-04-12 05:39:10 A Christmas day Mericle with my cousin Lauren What is wrong with the bunnies that run this site that they can't fix it so that we can use punctuation. that mess should read DO NOT LET ME DOWN. LOL
2011-04-12 06:15:31 Full Circle - Chapter One Got to be one of the best opening stories I have EVER read, and I have read thousands of books no tens of thousands. Absolutely fucking brilliant. 9/10