2011-04-13 18:11:05 |
Now THIS is my kind of story. Give the people some humanity before getting down to the fun bits. No hymen surprised me for some reason - Missy has obviously ridden the slippery sausage before. Can't but will have to wait for the next part to find out where this goes. |
2011-04-13 18:52:32 |
Father/Daughter Bonding_(1)
Fandamtastic, No baby fucking, no rape, just good old erotic bonking well written although paragraphs would make it easier to read. 8/10 and plenty of scope to let Kendra have some as well |
2011-04-14 02:34:52 |
The Siblings: chapter 4, The First Time
Lovely, makes me regret the fact I was too scared to throw a few inches up my beautiful sister. |
2011-04-14 02:50:30 |
Tommy gets his slave
True slavery, rape and wanton violence are the realm of mentally defective cretins. Anyone who glorifies or condones such actions is also a mentally defective cretin. |
2011-04-14 02:55:05 |
Tommy gets his slave
True slavery, rape and wanton violence are the realm of mentally defective cretins. Anyone who glorifies or condones such actions is also a mentally defective cretin.I don't know how many black people there are in the world but they are ALL superior to you. BIGOT |