Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-18 04:28:46 Always and Forever Rabbit, I'm glad you said some of the white people because I loved it and I'm white people, and to me that's only surface covering. Blood is the same color.
2011-04-18 04:31:37 Always and Forever Rabbit, I'm glad you said some of the white people because I loved it and I'm white people, and to me that's only surface covering. Blood is the same color.
2011-04-18 04:34:46 Always and Forever Rabbit, I'm glad you said some of the white people because I loved it and I'm white people, and to me that's only surface covering. Blood is the same color.
Not all white people are Rednecks and surely someone who is suggesting I may be racist should at least know how to spell it.
2011-04-18 18:16:34 Revenge_(4) Daddy, This is a good story, written poorly, disjointed and with a singular lack of capital usage. However, a good story, and as such warranted a positive vote. Scope to be continued. My personal opinion is that stories involving rape and torture are not necessary, and this one is almost a guideline for some defective to use. You're a very good (bordering on GREAT) writer and with this one I feel disappointed. Did you write it ???
2011-04-18 18:34:13 No literary or redeeming feature at all. Internet predators disgust me. Your choice of subject April, but if this turns on one sexual predator and hurts one unwilling lady, you're partially to blame.