Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-27 01:27:33 All for Mr. Redman Chapter 10 Yup, You're a sexy, nasty, lovable little minx . . .and the story is
bloody great. Thanks JadeM. Positive vote and 9/10 personal vote.
2011-06-27 01:35:36 My big, happy family!_(1) Why do juvenile little dickheads like DD66 always want you to get your mum and sisters pregnant. GREAT story and I hope he bonks his sisters but fat bellies are not necessarily required. Positive vote for story and personal 8/10.
2011-06-27 01:40:39 My birthday surprise_(0) Gave up, so no good vote ( or bad vote ). If you're not prepared to take some care, and put in punctuation and paragraphs, then I'm not prepared to read it.
2011-06-27 01:42:42 More Cousin Judy Solid block of text. Too bloody tiring to read - so I didn't.
2011-06-28 03:48:44 Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell? Lucky you classed this as fiction Donkey, because it was as far from reality as most of yours. Doesn't stop the fact it was a really good bit of escapist fantasy - and I loved it. Positive vote ( obviously )