Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-07 06:48:39 Times with Megan Possibly good story spoiled by shit layout and presentation. Read a couple of sentences and chucked it.
2011-12-22 18:47:57 Sandys Slumber Party (Revised) Re write was well worth it. Totally unbelievable BUT it should be, it's fantasy . . . and I loved it. At my age it would kill me, but hell, gotta go sometime. Thanks ( and waiting for the next part.)
2012-01-06 15:35:18 Seducing My Stepfather - Part 1 I agree . . . very hot. (Determined little slut, wasn't she ?)
2012-01-06 20:09:00 The Storm_(3) "Love" was too instantaneous ??? BULLSHIT. I met a girl 34 years ago and fell in love in the first ten SECONDS. I married her six weeks later and, two grown up kids later, she's still the little bunny that lights my fire . . . anyplace and any time. Great story by the way. I loved it.
2012-02-23 15:10:23 Would You Like That Orgasm With Fries? Not too bad at all Babe, Sounds like you can be an evil bitch when you put your mind to it. BUT I still think you're gorgeous.